![Robot Operating System: What is ROS?](https://www.akinsoft.com.tr/panel/robotmuzesi/images/blog/ros-1703057976.webp)
Robot Operating System, abbreviated as ROS, is a software created by Willow Garage in 2007. It is defined as an open-source operating system for robots. It is named like this because it primarily serves to control hardware-level devices, code functionality, facilitate communication between companies, and manage robot systems.
How Does the Robot Operating System Work?
Processes in the Robot Operating System are referred as nodes. Each node is responsible for a single task. The processes in the system are designed to be loosely coupled, meaning they are connected with flexible links.
Nodes in the system communicate through topic digital channels. Communication is done using a publish-subscribe system model. Nodes that subscribe to a topic and publish information are named by the master, which is the main node providing registration services. The connections of nodes on the system are established using TCP/IP within ROS.
Features that Distinguish Robot Operating System from Other Platforms
The robot operating system is widely used in robotics and serves as an essential interface for processing data received by the robot and transmitting commands back to the robot. Some features that distinguish the Robot Operating System from other platforms include:
The ability to integrate code with other platforms
Support for open-source sharing
Agnostic development
Independence from a specific programming language
Supported by open-source communities since 2007, ROS has become indispensable for robotic systems.
Applications of the Robot Operating System
The Robot Operating System is a continually evolving project, with more successful applications developed over time. Some applications developed with the Robot Operating System include:
Artificial perception systems
Facial recognition
Artificial vision
Object tracking
Understanding motion
Visual odometry
Stereo vision
The Robot Operating System has become a crucial "standard" for many applications. Therefore, it is challenging to list all the applications, but it is used extensively in various fields and industries.
How to Set Up the Robot Operating System?
Despite the complexity of robotics, the Robot Operating System provides a significant advantage for those looking to develop their projects. You can start developing applications by learning about mechanical, electronic, and programming aspects.
You will encounter numerous robotic terms in the process. Learning terms such as system and network management, localization, mapping, actuators, sensors, and controllers will help you set up and maintain the Robot Operating System. If you aim to become a more skilled and professional developer, consider participating in training and courses in this field.