Robots and New Methods of Education / Learning
With development of technology, the sectors in which robots work are also developing and increasing rapidly. Definitely one of these sectors is the education sector. Robots improve the learning processes in education and provide a more interactive and pleasant learning experience.
The students learn easier by the motivation of robots.The students’ attention period becomes longer and learning is more fun with the help of robots produced with high technology they see in front of them
Robots can offer a personalized educational process for students. They can adapt learning processes according to students’ learning styles and speeds. Students can learn faster and understand better what is taught by this way.
Robots can provide more examples for students in education process. Students can see real-life applications and learn them practically by robots. This helps students understand topics better and remember them longer.
Robots remove all borders in education and provide learning through the systems that are valid worldwide. Students can benefit educational programs and meet teachers all over the world through robots. In this way, students can meet with more cultures and different perspectives.
Although usage of robots in education may seem costly , the situation is actually quite different. Robots reduce training facilities in long term by decreasing various application costs.
Some people who are concerned about the usage of robots in education area , express their hesitations about this issue. People who are uncomfortable with the fact that robots replace humans and train people , are worried that this approach will turn into robots completely replacing humans in the future and people will be unemployed.
The activation and presence of robots in education is not a replacement for people and do not cause unemployment. Robots will facilitate the work of teachers as well as helping students getting their education.
Robots will make easier the work of students and teachers by offering a more efficient, personalized and enhanced experience with experimental environments through improving the learning process in education.